
Adventure Time Card Wars 10th Anniversary

Created by Cryptozoic Entertainment

For the Glory! Celebrate the anniversary of the most epic card game in the Land of Ooo with the Ultimate Collection and new content!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Party on!
7 months ago – Tue, Dec 05, 2023 at 10:08:17 AM

Adventure Time fans,

10 days to go in the campaign! Today, we’d like to start with a question: Which of the new game cards revealed so far is your favorite and why? Sound off in the comments!

Also, we just added a new Stretch Goals Unlocked graphic to the top of the main page! This is to make it easier for you (and potential new backers) to see what has already been unlocked.

Deck Label Poll!

We have a short poll about the deck labels we added to the cards (LINK HERE). General feedback has been positive, but some of you have suggested alternatives. So we’d like to turn to the community to find out whether you want: no label, the Hero heads we previewed, Hero head outlines, or symbols representing the Heroes. The latter may be harder for some Heroes than others (both to come up with and recognize as a player). Below is a look at the full-color Hero head deck label vs. the outline Hero head deck label.

Get This Party Started!

You unlocked Party God yesterday and when we hit $785k, you unlocked the first card designed specifically for him: Party Energy!

Thanks for your support,

The Cryptozoic Team