
Adventure Time Card Wars 10th Anniversary

Created by Cryptozoic Entertainment

For the Glory! Celebrate the anniversary of the most epic card game in the Land of Ooo with the Ultimate Collection and new content!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Sleeve Winner, Bigger Boxes, and more!
7 months ago – Wed, Dec 13, 2023 at 10:32:02 AM

Adventure Time fans,

We’re about to hit the final 48 hours of the campaign! We are hopefully going to have lots of new backers join us for the final hours, so please make them feel welcome! Lots of stuff in this update!

Final Sleeve Design

In the early days of the campaign, we conducted a poll so you could vote for your favorite sleeve design over the course of the campaign. With over 1,100 voters, we have a clear winner with a margin of 17% over the second place choice. Here it is!

Thanks to everyone for weighing in! We hope you’re happy with the winner.

Mini Mug Color and Size

The initial colors of the mini mugs were fine, but we have decided to adjust them to be more in line with the ones from the show. Check them out!

Also, the mini mugs are a bit less mini now. They have been sized up to hold 7 oz!

You’re Going to Need Bigger Boxes

We received samples of all the different packaging configurations for the campaign. (We’d share but they are literally white boxes from the factory for us to check the size.) What we discovered is that the Ultimate Collection box is going to need to get a bit longer to fit all the Landscapes and cards we added. So it is getting 5 inches longer! Approximate dimensions are now 4.12"x 23"x 4.5"!

We have also decided to make the Collector’s Storage Box larger. The current version has three rows for cards, a large section/well for Landscape tiles, and a smaller section for tokens. Each row can fit 500 sleeved cards (slightly less if you use the tuck boxes). We want the box to feel more spacious for your collection, so we are adding a fourth row, meaning you can now fit 2,000 sleeved cards comfortably! The dimensions of the box will increase proportionally to account for this extra row, so you’ll have more space for tokens and tiles as well.

Though the boxes are larger, we are NOT charging more for shipping for any of them. 

Stretch Goals!

For those of you who missed the graphic on the main page, we have updated the Pig Foil Promo Card (unlocked at $1 million) to have a 10th anniversary label on it. Our thanks to the awesome backer who made this suggestion.

At $1,020,000, you unlocked the final card for James Baxter: Happy Go Lucky!

Finally, at $1,060,000, by popular demand, you got an additional copy of all 18 new cards!

Thanks for backing,

The Cryptozoic Team

A Million Strong!
7 months ago – Tue, Dec 12, 2023 at 09:03:51 AM

Adventure Time fans,

We are blown away. We just passed $1 million in pledges in this Kickstarter! The support and engagement have been off the charts these past four weeks and we cannot THANK YOU enough for being here. A MILLION thank yous from our team.

There is only one stretch goal that was possible for this monumental number, a card that spoke to the heart of Card WarsThe Pig! This is a special version with premium wavy foil to make it extra special for Kickstarter backers. Floop the Pig in style!

Before that, you unlocked two cards for James Baxter at $965k and $985k: Beach Ball and Dressage Dance Hall!

We still have some BIG stretch goals and surprises coming up. Keep watching!

Thanks for your support,

The Cryptozoic Team

Hello, Stranger!
7 months ago – Mon, Dec 11, 2023 at 11:58:03 AM

Adventure Time fans,

We’re in the final stretch! The Kickstarter ends on Friday at 12 pm PT. We had a HUGE weekend with lots of new backers joining us. Thank you, everyone, for being here!

As a quick reminder: You can add an extra game or tier to your pledge for a friend or family member, then print out this nifty HOLIDAY CARD to give them to let them know you got them the coolest gift ever!

Social Media Stretch Goal Unlocked!

All of you liked and shared posts throughout the weekend and unlocked the Social Media Stretch Goal. As our blue card frame hinted in the last update, you unlocked the Blue Plains Drifter Promo Card! This card was originally released with the Doubles Tournament set, but was not an actual game card (it just promoted the digital game). Now you can play with it!

Closer Look at the Collector’s Storage Box Art

Several of you have commented on how much you like the cover for the Collector’s Storage Box, so we wanted to share a closer look at the amazing art by our good friend Robb Mommaerts. The left side of the box isn’t visible on the main page, so this is the first look at that section of the art! Let us know what you think.

Click for a Closer Look

Lots of Stretch Goals Unlocked

It was a crazy weekend and you unlocked a TON of stuff! At $865k, you unlocked a new Hero: Death! Death is immortal, but he doesn’t have time to lose! With a swift and decisive flip, he unleashes a rain of pain upon his foes. Can you construct a deck swift enough to triumph using just a few Landscapes? Or are you daring enough to turn down all your Landscapes for a high-stakes Rainbow tempo?

Then, at $885k, $905k, and $925k, you unlocked three cards designed for Death: Ancient Healer, Last Will and Detriment, and Creepy Crypt.

At $945k, you unlocked another Hero that was a fan request: James Baxter! James Baxter came to play, and he wants you to join him! Get through your deck at a prancing pace, but make sure you get your winning combos before your opponent does. You’ll be a step ahead of your foe, so don’t lose your lead showing off... just have fun with it!

Thanks for backing,

The Cryptozoic Team

Social Media Stretch Goal #2!
7 months ago – Fri, Dec 08, 2023 at 10:49:09 AM

Adventure Time fans,

Just one week to go! Let’s kick it off with a new Social Media Stretch Goal! Like last time, you can help unlock a special Promo card AND spread the word about the Kickstarter. We’ve made it a bit tougher this time! Here’s what needs to happen to unlock the card:

  •  Facebook: 400 likes of this post & 100 friends tagged in the comments 
  •  Instagram: 600 likes of this post & 100 friends tagged in the comments
  •  X (Twitter): 200 reposts of this post 
  •  TikTok: 400 likes of this video 

Quick Cool Guy Shipping Note 

If you look at the Cool Guy Tier in the Rewards section, it shows the freight weight at 18 lb. It turns out our partners made an honest mistake in calculating the combined weight and it should have been 23 lb. We will NOT be increasing our shipping estimates/costs to account for this error. So, if you’re getting the Cool Guy Tier, you’re actually getting a nice discount on the shipping (besides getting some amazing stuff). We don't want you to be surprised next year when you get a heavier-than-expected package.

Meet the Team

A few of you asked to know more about the Cryptozoic team working on this campaign and asked some questions, so we thought we’d offer some answers (while generally keeping names anonymous for privacy reasons):


  •  Role: Designing all the new ATCW cards and answering gameplay questions
  •  Favorite hobby: Riding my OneWheel on dirt bike trails
  •  Favorite breakfast: 2 bacon, a fried potato patty, over-medium fried egg, shredded mozzarella cheese, all stuffed in a toasted sourdough sammy
  •  Favorite animal: Red panda. Have you seen one standing on its hind legs in an attempt to intimidate? Too cute.
  •  Favorite Adventure Time character: Jake the dog is my spirit guide. With our shared parenthood status, I relate to his evolving family and accepting 'tude.
  •  Favorite episode: “Daddy-Daughter Card Wars” 
  •  Favorite Card Wars card: It's hard not to choose The Pig! It’s so emblematic of the whimsical nature of Card Wars. It's super goof-ball adorbs, thematic to the core, and an actual strategy against those puffed-up Cornfield players


  •  Role: Part of the graphic design team creating graphics for the page and marketing, plus a huge Adventure Time fan 
  •  Favorite hobby: Drawing and occasionally crocheting amigurumi
  •  Favorite breakfast: Right now it's oatmeal with berries and almond butter  
  •  Favorite animal: It's between cats and dilophosaurus
  •  Favorite Adventure Time character: Earl of Lemongrab
  •  Favorite episode: I think I'll always love "I Remember You" simply for the Gunter Fries song. And learning about Marceline and Ice King's history was both mind-blowing and heartbreaking.
  •  Favorite Card Wars card: Immortal Maize Walker because "I love CORRN!"


  •  Role: Kickstarter planning and writing, writing updates, responding to fans’ comments 
  •  Favorite hobby: Gardening, eating fruit (this would also be my superpower… I can eat more fruit than you can imagine!)
  •  Favorite breakfast: I often skip breakfast, but my favorite is a really good breakfast burrito with eggs and potatoes that are perfect, with a tasty dipping sauce
  •  Favorite animal: Pugs… I could say dogs, but pugs are something different entirely. They may be lazy, very sweet aliens
  •  Favorite Adventure Time character: BMO
  •  Favorite episode: “Card Wars” because look at my life
  •  Favorite Card Wars card: Obvious answer is The Pig! But there is a card that is coming that may be my favorite piece of art on any Card Wars card. It involves some dancing…

Heading Back to School?

At $825k, you unlocked the last card for Party God: Bongo Bounce House!

At $845k, you unlocked a Promo Card many of you have been asking about since Day 1: Sundae School!

Thanks for backing,

The Cryptozoic Team

Pink Sure Is Nice!
7 months ago – Wed, Dec 06, 2023 at 12:22:08 PM

Adventure Time fans,

You asked for pink? You got it! Many of you have requested that we change the coloring of the NiceLands card frames to pink. Eagle-eyed backers noticed the pink cards we snuck onto the new graphic on the main page, but here’s a close-up look!

Thank you to the fans for letting us know what you wanted. We think they look super nice! What do you think? We will show the new coloring for the NiceLands Landscape tiles in a later update.

Deck Label Poll Results!

We’ve had nearly 700 responses to yesterday’s poll about preferred deck label style. Though we’ll keep monitoring the results, it appears we have a runaway winner: 54% of you want full-color Hero heads for the deck labels. Next highest: 20% of you would prefer monochromatic Hero heads. So the color heads seem to be the choice!

One backer asked about how we’re differentiating the two Jake decks (the Collector’s Pack deck and the Doubles Tournament deck). The answer: We’re using different Jake icons. See below for the comparison and let us know what you think.

The Place to Party!

At $805k, you unlocked another card for Party God: Party Oasis!

Thanks for your support,

The Cryptozoic Team