
Adventure Time Card Wars 10th Anniversary

Created by Cryptozoic Entertainment

For the Glory! Celebrate the anniversary of the most epic card game in the Land of Ooo with the Ultimate Collection and new content!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Pledge Manager Deadline February 20! Storage Box White Box Sample
5 months ago – Tue, Feb 13, 2024 at 03:03:26 PM

Adventure Time fans,

Thank you to everyone who has filled out their pledge manager surveys! So far, almost 80% have completed surveys. The rest of you: The deadline is February 20! We need to know everyone’s final orders so we can finalize quantities with the factory and make sure we have your rewards for you later this year.

If you need to review your information or pledge status: You can return to your survey by clicking the link in your survey email or requesting your survey link under "Lost your survey?" on our BackerKit project page:

If you used your Facebook credentials to log in to your Kickstarter account: The BackerKit survey is sent to the email address you use for your Facebook account. If you have another email address that you prefer to use, please contact support at:

If you used an Apple ID on your Kickstarter account: You should have received a private message with a link to your survey. If you did not, You can reach out to BackerKit via email to update your email address: [email protected] (or send a private message to us and we can help you) or click "Need help" on this page:

In terms of work on the games, we’ve been spending LOTS of time playtesting the new cards and making necessary adjustments. We have also been working with a very talented editor to go through ALL the Adventure Time Card Wars cards to give them some additional polish; we are not updating any of the gameplay on the old cards, but we are making sure the wording aligns better across all the different decks. We are also working on cleaning up the rulebooks that will be included with the Ultimate Collection and Doubles Tournament boxes. It’s taking a little longer than expected since we’re really getting into all the details, but we don’t expect any delays in terms of our fulfillment date.

Something fun to share: We received a factory white box sample of the Collector’s Storage Box! It’s what it sounds like: a white box without any printing on it so we can check the sizing and the interior. The final box size is 14.4” x 16.8” x 5”!

Here’s a rundown of what it can hold:

Each of the three rows can hold EITHER:

  • 325 sleeved cards
  • 650 non-sleeved cards
  • 6 tuck boxes
  • 3 Booster Collection boxes

Each square row holds EITHER:

  • 400 sleeved cards
  • 800 non-sleeved cards
  • 110 Landscape tiles


  • 4 rows = 1,300 sleeved cards (2,600 non-sleeved)
  • 2 square rows = 800 sleeved cards (1,600 non-sleeved)
  • Grand total cards = 2,200 sleeved (4,200 non-sleeved)

It’s ultimately up to you how you organize your boxes, but below are a few photos and a diagram of how our lead game designer would consider organizing his box in terms of cards, Landscape tiles, and tokens.

Thanks for backing!

The Cryptozoic Team


Pledge Manager Surveys Go Out Today! Late Pledges Available!
5 months ago – Thu, Jan 18, 2024 at 10:13:52 AM

Adventure Time fans,

Happy New Year! Pardon our silence: While recovering from assorted post-holiday colds and flus, we have been working hard to get the pledge manager ready. 

The pledge manager surveys are going out starting today! You should all be receiving emails over the next 24 hours from us with a special link to your BackerKit survey. You’ll be able to finalize your pledge by choosing add-ons, upgrading your pledge level, choosing multiple tiers, paying for shipping, filling out your shipping address, and more. Please note: 

It’s important to respond to your survey as quickly as you can since we need this information to fulfill your rewards. The deadline to finish your survey is FEBRUARY 20. On that date, we’ll lock orders and charge credit cards.

Important shipping notes:

  1. If you ordered more than 70 lbs of items (more than 3 Cool Guy Tiers and some additional sleeves), your shipping will show $1000. This won’t be the actual amount you pay! For backers who order more than 70 lbs, we provide custom shipping quotes, so please reach out to us via a private message on Kickstarter.
  2. If your shipping cost is very different from our estimated shipping or jumps in a way that makes little sense after you add different items, please reach out to us directly via Kickstarter private messages. If you haven't filled out your shipping country, BackerKit may initially show ROW (rest of world) shipping rates; fill in your address to see your accurate shipping cost. As noted on the Kickstarter page, VAT (value-added tax) is also charged in the pledge manager for certain regions.

Instructions Directly from BackerKit:

You don’t need to create a BackerKit account to fill out your survey. When you receive the email with the survey, click the survey link to respond. Answer the questions about your reward preferences, provide shipping information, and purchase add-on items if you like. 

After you respond to your survey, you can go back later and change your responses at any time before we close the surveys and get our final counts.

If you need to review your information or pledge status, you can return to your survey by clicking the link in your survey email or requesting your survey link under "Lost your survey?" on our BackerKit project page:

If you used your Facebook credentials to log in to your Kickstarter account, the BackerKit survey is sent to the email address you use for your Facebook account. If you have another email address that you prefer to use, please contact support at:

Late Pledges

Did you or one of your friends miss out on the campaign? We are accepting late pledges (with all corresponding stretch goals) for one month only! The final day will be FEBRUATY 20. Click the “Late Pledges” button on the homepage or go to the following link:

Thanks for your support,

The Cryptozoic Team


7 months ago – Fri, Dec 15, 2023 at 12:39:00 PM

Adventure Time fans,

From the bottom of our Adventure Time-loving hearts, THANK YOU! When we kicked off this campaign, we were hopeful that there were a lot of Card Wars fans out there who still loved the game and potentially new fans who would be interested, but we had no idea!

This group of fans has been the kindest, most engaged group we have ever experienced during a Kickstarter. You all clearly care about Adventure Time and Card Wars and we feel like we worked together to make the game even better. Fans had so many great ideas (like pink NiceLands!) that we were able to make part of the game to improve the experience. There are also SO MANY other ideas you have all tossed out that we will pursue and explore for future Card Wars releases.

That brings us to one of our big takeaways: There WILL be future Card Wars releases after seeing this reaction. And there will almost certainly be another Kickstarter in the future.

Before we go: Two little gifts from us to you. We have a “Thank You” stretch goal! It’s a special The Pig 10th Anniversary Card. Not a game card, but an oversized card just to commemorate the campaign and thank you all.

Lastly, here’s a little video! (You might have to zoom out depending on your browser):

We’ll send out invites to the pledge manager (powered by BackerKit) in January so you can finalize your orders. Thanks again for all your support!

The Cryptozoic Team

Art Card, 10th Anniversary Backer Hero Card, and One More Floop!
7 months ago – Thu, Dec 14, 2023 at 10:20:16 PM

Adventure Time fans,

Well, you just unlocked the stretch goals… all of them. That’s amazing! Thank you for supporting this campaign this past month and for being such incredible fans.

Let’s look at the final three stretch goals. At $1,200,000, you unlocked “Something Artsy”: an Art Card and new back cover art for the Collector’s Storage Box featuring art by Robb Mommaerts. The front of the card features the front cover art from the Collector’s Storage Box and the back of the card features the brand-new back cover art just added to the Collector’s Storage Box. The back cover was an idea from the fans, so we worked with our good friend Robb to create a piece that has all the Adventure Time Heroes you unlocked via stretch goals. The box art now wraps all the way around, creating an amazing Card Wars scene. For clarification, you get the Art Card inside the Ultimate Collection and of course you need to get the Collector’s Storage Box if you want the back cover of that.

Art Card Front
Art Card Back
Collector's Storage Box Back

Next, when we hit $1,225,000, you got “Something Heroic”: the special 10th Anniversary Backer Hero Card. Look… it’s YOU in the Land of Ooo! This was our fun way to celebrate your heroic role in making this Kickstarter so successful. We appreciate you all!

Last but not least, you unlocked “Something Floopy”: a new alternate art version of the Pig Foil Promo Card. We just couldn’t resist one more Pig because he’s that iconic to Card Wars and the right exclamation point to this campaign.

We’ll have another update after the Kickstarter ends!

Thanks for being here and supporting this campaign,

The Cryptozoic Team

Something Nice! Future Card Wars Decks/Heroes Poll!
7 months ago – Thu, Dec 14, 2023 at 01:10:12 PM

Adventure Time fans,

Just one day to go! First, let’s do one last poll! This campaign has shown us the Adventure Time Card Wars community is going strong and growing, so we are definitely planning to do more. We have had SO MANY great suggestions for new Heroes and decks in this campaign. In fact, we added James Baxter and his cards specifically due to fan demand! But clearly we couldn’t do everything.

So we’ve compiled lots of the suggestions for new Heroes/decks in this Poll (link here) and we want to hear what YOU want in the future. You can make up to five picks! If the new Hero and associated deck you want isn’t there, you can add your ideas in the second question!

Additional Sleeves for Cool Guy Tier

Some of you complained that the stretch goal for more sleeves seemed unfair because the 100 sleeves were just for the Cool Guy Tier. We have done our best to make sure every bit of new game content (mainly game cards) is available with the Ultimate Collection, making it easy for fans who just want the new game stuff. Though it is not uncommon for Kickstarters to have stretch goals for certain tiers, we definitely want this last day to be a positive experience so we have removed the sleeves from the stretch goal list and are just making them a bonus for fans in the Cool Guy Tier. It means the gap between the most recent stretch goals looks a bit bigger, but we hope you’re okay with it because the $1,175,000 stretch goal is a big one…

New NiceLands Landscape Art and Colors AND Updates to Other Landscapes!

The latest stretch goal adds two new pieces of art to the NiceLands Landscape tiles! Many of you have pointed out throughout the campaign that all the other Landscapes had four pieces of art, but NiceLands only had two. You also asked for NiceLands to go pink. So here’s your first look at the two new NiceLands Landscape tiles with new art and colors!

BUT that’s not all. We went back to all the Landscape tiles and have adjusted them to more closely match the corresponding card frames. So the Cornfield Landscapes are now green to match the cards, Blue Plains Landscapes are now blue, SandyLands Landscapes are more “sandy,” and so on. Check them out!

Stretch Goals!

Since our last update, at $1,100,000 and $1,125,000, you unlocked a third copy of all 18 new cards and 2 additional copies of the Cyclops, Sundae School, and Blue Plains Drifter Promo cards!

We have THREE locked stretch goals left (we are adding the last two to the page now). We’re pretty confident we’ll get there before the campaign is over. We want this to be a HAPPY KICKSTARTER, so please don’t stress about missing out on anything and enjoy the last day!

Thanks for backing,

The Cryptozoic Team